
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Colon Hydrotherapy Interview with Stephen Holt, MD by Functional Forum

If you are unfamiliar with the work of Functional Forum and the Evolution of Medicine Summit, these people are producing lots of very helpful and quality information on functional and nutritional health. Many of their recent discussions revolve around the human microbiome and gastrointestinal health, a topic that should be near and dear to GAPS patients in general. They produce interviews and lectures for health care practitioners, so some of the discussion may get a little technical at points. However, it is my opinion that the average person without health care training who is motivated and interested in learning about their body and their health will be able to understand and apply most of the information.

Check out this great interview on colon hydrotherapy with Dr. Stephen Holt, who has been a gastroenterologist for over 40 years. Starting out as a strictly allopathic doctor, Dr. Holt has since developed a strong interest in nutritional healing and he has also done many years of research on the human microbiome. Take advantage of this great opportunity to learn! I have personally found it so helpful to read and listen to other viable voices in the health care community in addition to Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride (hereafter abbreviated Dr. NCM). No one doctor has all the answers. Plus it is really affirming to know that it isn't just one doctor saying these things. There are a large body of medical practitioners out there who agree! More and more research is backing up Dr. NCM's science, and adding to it. So keep learning!

Don't have enough time? Here's an idea: listen while you cook your GAPS food for the week. I frequently utilize my cooking and cleaning time to listen to podcasts and audiobooks. I love to be able to learn while at the same time getting my chores done!

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