
Monday, September 16, 2013

Content - WEEK 25/Full GAPS Diet

Breakfast with Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Dutch Baby
We are almost half-way through our first year on the GAPS regimen and continue to see good results... My husband's stools are mostly normal again, and my fatigue, abdominal pain, and other symptoms are greatly improved, though not yet "normal." So we continue to plug away and stick to the diet. 

I have been adding more fruit, but have found that we have to be very cautious about what kinds and how much fruit we eat. We do not eat real "desserts" yet either, even made with GAPS-friendly foods. Dessert for us consists of half an apple or peach, or a GAPS-legal muffin with a little raw honey on top. Occasionally, I will make an "ice cream" in our Vitamix, with frozen bananas mixed with other frozen fruit, like pineapple or berries. 

For a special breakfast, I have developed a GAPS-legal Dutch Baby, which is typically made with white flour and milk. It works great! See my recipe below.

Green Juice with Spirulina
I have also been vegetable juicing as much as possible within the confines of our food budget. I started adding spirulina powder to our juices, since I discovered that it is a complete protein containing all the amino acids, as well as a good source of iron, calcium, B vitamins, and fatty acids like GLA, ALA, LA, SDA, EPA, DHA, and AA (if you can trust Wikipedia's research, article here), all of which are essential supplements for GAPS patients. It doesn't taste the greatest, but a tablespoon or so mixed in with some juice isn't so hard to get down. I bought my spirulina from Star West Botanicals on, but Mountain Rose Herbs also sells it. I wasn't able to find any that is produced in the USA. The one I got is from China (supposedly "organic," but who really knows); and the one that Mountain Rose Herbs sells is from India (also supposedly "organic," but again, who really knows).

Grain-Free, Dairy-Free Dutch Baby

1 c. water
1/2 c. raw almonds plus 1/2 c. 
4 eggs
3 T. coconut oil
1 apple, chopped - optional
1 t. cinnamon - optional
Lemon wedges to squeeze on top - optional
Honey to drizzle on top - optional

Place the coconut oil in an 8x8-inch bake dish and stick in the oven at 400F. While the oil is melting and heating, place the water and 1/2 c. of the almonds in a Vitamix or blender. Blend on variable 10 for 2 minutes. Add remaining almonds and oil. Blend on variable 10 for another 20-30 seconds. Pour into the hot bake dish. If desired, sprinkle chopped apples and cinnamon over the batter. Bake for about 25-30 minutes until golden on top and springs back to touch. Serve and eat immediately. Drizzle with lemon juice and honey if desired. Makes: 4 servings (or two if you are big eaters like us!).

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